30 May 2021 ARiaNikakPR

New Business Partner Patroklos Stellakis

An established photographer has joined AriaPR Public Relations Agency

New Business Partner Patroklos Stellakis

Patroklos Stellakis is joining ARIAPR Public Relations Team to cover the ongoing photography projects for all our magazines and events.

Patroklos has worked for more than 20 years in several magazines and newspapers like Eleftherotypia, Epsilon, Gourmet, Wine, Ellinikes Kataskeves, Villas, Apartments, Maison De Campagne, Efoplistis, Liberis Publications, etc. We are delighted to welcome him to ARIAPR team. Patroklos will work closely for Wine Illusion magazine, Diplomatic Issues magazine, and all our company’s projects. His professional photography approach has a lot to share and create for our team and our clients.

Patroklos Stellakis has a successful career and a rich portfolio in Architectural Photography, Restaurant Photography, Advertising Photography, Editorial Photography and Art Photography.

Before joining our team he had published 2 photography albums.  Also, he had the pleasure to participate in several Photography Exhibitions in Greece and Europe. He is deeply engaged with the academic community of Art Photography and has organized a series of Seminars for the Art of Black & White Photography.

For us is a top priority to work only with top-tier professionals for all the aspects of our creative services. We want to secure the quality of our services and Patroklos Stellakis is here to empower our goals.

Explore his portfolio at www.stellakispatroklos.com and connect with him on LinkedIn.


Welcome on board, Patroklos Stellakis!


Patroklos Stellakis

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