22 February 2021 ARiaNikakPR

Greek Tourism Next is Now Forum 2018

Key international tourism figures and Greek sector professionals met up in Athens to analyze the role that tourism should play in reconstructing the Greek economy.

Greek Tourism Next is Now Forum 2018 in Greece by AriaPR Ariadne Nikaki

Next is Now Forum 2018

Titled Next is Now 2018, the international forum took place on Saturday, December 1, 2018, at the Hilton Athens Hotel and focused on the possibilities and prospects of the Greek tourism industry.

Topping the forum’s agenda were topics regarding the development of a new growth model, the further improvement of the tourism product, ways to attract investment, ways to create new and quality jobs, ways to link the Greek tourism industry with other productive sectors in the country in order to boost the economy abroad.

Attended by Greek Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura, the forum welcome the former general secretary of the World Tourism Organization (UWNTO), Taleb Rifai; the president of the Federal Association of the German Tourism Industry (BTW), Dr. Michael Frenzel; the managing director of the UWNTO and CEO of Turespaña, Manuel Butler; the regional director for Europe of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Daniela Wagner; and the general secretary of the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, Andrew Agius Muscat. 

The Next is Now 2018 was an initiative of Greek journalist and publisher Nikos Hatzinikolaou and was held under the auspices of the President of the Hellenic Republic. The event was held with the support of the Greek Tourism Ministry and the Region of Attica.

AriaPR was responsible for the Event Design, Branding, Public Relations, Conference Management, PR Management, Social Media Management, Networking Coordination, Press Conference Coordination, and After Event Management. Read more details on the Forum Portfolio.

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